
This Emergency Plan, is available to all the people on the premises used for the licensable activity, is to ensure appropriate steps are taken to protect all the people and animals on the premises in case of fire or in case of breakdowns for essential heating, ventilation and aeration or filtration systems or other emergencies.

  • Entrances and fire exits must be clear of obstructions at all times.

  • Dog gate is kept on the front door at all times.

  • Suitable firefighting, prevention and detection equipment is provided and maintained in good working order. There are two working smoke detectors installed in the ground and first floor of the property. There is also a carbon monoxide detector.

  • A first aid kit suitable for treatment of dogs is kept on site in the kitchen and also in the car.

  • The dogs will be housed at 33 Kennett Road, Headington, Oxford, should the premises become uninhabitable. Owners will be contacted and appropriate arrangements will be made.

  • In extremes of hot and cold temperatures and abnormal weather conditions there is air conditioning (hot and cold) and fans, as well as gas fired central heating that can be supplemented by electric heaters in the case of extreme cold.

  • All electrical installations have been installed by a qualified person, maintained in a safe condition and placed where they do not present a risk.

  • An emergency telephone list that includes the fire service and police is located on the kitchen notice board.

  • External doors and gates are lockable and locked as the norm.

  • The designated key holder, Kathryn Clelland, is resident at the home boarding site and has access to all animal areas at all times and is always available to attend in an emergency.

  • In an event of infection or ill health the dog will be quarantined in the dining room away from all other dogs and will be cared for there under guidance from Companion Care Aylesbury. PPE is stored in the dining room, including shoe covers, gloves, one use plastic overalls, strong bin bags and dog friendly disinfectant. Food and water bowls, bedding and cleaning utensils are also stored in this location, ready to use. 

  • There is access to Vet Services  details displayed in a visible place, for Companion Care Vets.

  • Key Access is also given to the designated Deputy.

  • Escape of an animal - the owner will be informed immediately and a search will be performed.

  • Death of an Animal – the owner will be informed immediately. If storage of a carcass is required this will be arranged with the owner’s or under the services at Companion Care Vets, Aylesbury.

  • Care of animals if license suspended or revoked – dogs will be relocated to 33 Kennett Road, Oxford OX3 7BH in this event until the owners are able to collect their dogs.