Accommodation and Home Boarding Policy

  • There will be a trial of boarding before any stay of longer than 3 nights

  • Animals will be kept at all times in an environment suitable to their species and condition (including health status and age) with respect to:

  1. Dogs will be kept in areas where the temperature may cause them distress. Sleeping conditions will be between 10°C and 26°C.

  2. Dogs will be checked to see if they are too hot or too cold. If a dog is showing signs of discomfort, steps will be taken for its welfare and moved away from any direct source of heat.

  3. There are sufficient clean resting places to provide comfort and warmth for every dog.

  4. Dogs will have a grooming and health check regime agreed with the owner, with attention paid to the dog’s coat, teeth, ears and nails, and a check for parasites.

  5. Dogs will have regular opportunities during the day for toileting in an outside secure area or as part of its exercise. Each dog’s individual needs will be taken into account.

  6. There is a Safety Procedure to account for any inward opening doors (N&F-PRO-002)

  7. The flooring will consist of waterproof surfaces, non-slip and washable.

  8. Communal areas will provide access to: food, water, enrichment items, resting and sleeping areas

  9. Dogs will have human company and be left alone for a maximum of 3 hours per 24 hours

  10. A dog may only be left in a crate for agreed hours with the owner, specified on Consent Form.

  11. Secure windows to the outside are provided.

  12. No cats are present on the premises

  • Written Procedures will be in place and implemented covering: feeding regimes, cleaning regimes, transportation, the prevention of, and control of the spread of, disease, monitoring and ensuring the health and welfare of all the animals,the death or escape of an animal (including the storage of carcasses)

  1. be in place covering the care of the animals following the suspension or revocation of the licence or during and following an emergency. The procedures will show how the facility will meet these conditions.

  2.  Persons under 16 do not reside at the Home Boarding site and children are strongly advised not to visit and do so under close supervision if this occurs.

Hours of operation policy

  • The Day care opens at 7:00 a.m. until 09:00 p.m, Monday through to Sunday. All pets (unless boarding overnight) must be picked up by 09:00 p.m. Pets who are not picked up by 09:00 p.m. may be boarded and will be subject to additional fees. They can be picked up the next morning when we open.

Dirty Dogs Policy

  • Our day care staff will do their very best to clean up dirty pets before they are picked up by the owners. However, owners should understand that the primary role of our day care is to supervise their pets, and we do not have the facilities or the time to provide a thorough bath before sending pets home.

Training Policy 

  • Any staff that become part of N&F will be fully trained in Animal Welfare, First Aid and Animal Behaviour and will be kept up to date with changing legal regulations.

  • Staffing – There is a designated manager – Kathryn Clelland

  • Trained in animal welfare, animal handling, dog behaviour, cleanliness and hygiene, feeding and food preparation, disease prevention and control, recognising sick or injured animals, giving first aid treatment to animals.

  • Qualifications – BA Degree, equivalent of Ofqual Level 3 Award in Canine Care, Behaviour & Welfare, First Aid and has relevant and sufficient knowledge and experience.

  • Annual appraisal will be carried out with an external appraiser who will advise on appropriate CPD and assist in recognising training gaps.

  • Training records will be maintained electronically and in paper format to include appraisal documentation, online learning and course certificates.

Policy for monitoring new dogs

  • To be considered, all candidates over 12 months old must be neutered or spayed (unless a Vet has advised otherwise), not aggressive or extremely dominant, current required vaccinations on file (DHLPP, Rabies and Bordatella (kennel cough]), and be using effective flea & tick preventatives. A ‘Meet & Greet’ will be conducted prior to any bookings to ensure the dog is comfortable in our home and with the other dogs. If this meeting does not meet our requirements then your dog may not be accepted into doggy day care or boarding. 

  • Notes will be taken on each dog during every visit. If the dog needs to be separated or given a time out, showing aggressive or dominating behaviour may be asked not to return to N&F.

Isolation and Disease Prevention Policy

  • Appropriate isolation, in separate self-contained facilities, must be available for the care of sick, injured or potentially infectious animals.

  • The licence holder must be observant and watch for any signs of illness when receiving a new dog at the premises. An animal showing any signs of illness must not be accepted for boarding until it has recovered.

  • The owner must be told as soon as possible if any illness develops while the dog is home boarding.

  • The facility must be able to isolate sick or injured dogs, or those that might be carrying serious infectious diseases.

  • If the isolation facility is at another location, such as a local veterinary practice, the licence holder must be able to show evidence that this is ready to use (for example, a letter from the practice).

  • All staff must understand the procedures to prevent the spread of infectious disease between infected animals and the other dogs.

  • If infectious disease is present on the whole premises:

○ staff should wear protective clothing and footwear (where applicable) and change these between enclosures

○ equipment must be stored separately

○ waste must be segregated

○ the facility must use barrier nursing procedures, and people trained in these

  • Dogs showing signs of infectious disease must not be allowed in any shared outside exercise area.

  • Protective clothing and footwear must be worn when handling dogs in the isolation facility, and correct sanitation rules must be followed. Separate feeding and water bowls, bedding and cleaning utensils must be stored in the isolation facility ready for immediate use.

  • Staff must check on dogs in isolation at least as often as other dogs. Unless a separate person is looking after them, dogs in isolation must be checked after all other dogs.

  • All reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread among animals and people of infectious disease, pathogens and parasites.

  • An up-to-date veterinary vaccination record must be seen to show that dogs, including resident dogs, have current vaccinations against:

○ canine distemper

○ infectious canine hepatitis (adenovirus)

○ leptospirosis

○ canine parvovirus

○ other relevant diseases

  • Vaccination against other diseases such as kennel cough (bordetella bronchiseptica or canine parainfluenza virus) may be required.

  • A vet certificate of a recent protective titre test may be accepted instead of a booster vaccination. The certificate must state that it is valid for the current period. It is up to the licence holder whether to accept such a certificate.

  • Primary vaccination courses must be completed at least 2 weeks before acceptance into boarding.

  • Vaccines used must be licensed for use in the UK. Homeopathic vaccination is not acceptable.

  • If there is evidence of external parasites such as fleas, ticks or lice, the dog must be treated with an appropriate product authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) and licensed for use in the UK. Treatment must be discussed with a vet before giving it to the dog. The owner must consent to this.

  • All excreta and soiled bedding for disposal must be stored and disposed of in a hygienic manner and in accordance with any relevant legislation.

  • Dog waste and soiled bedding must be put in a clearly marked bin. This must be emptied either daily or when full, whichever is sooner. Dog waste must be removed in accordance with the documented cleaning and disinfection procedure.

  • All dog waste must be stored away from areas where animals or food are kept.

  • Sick or injured animals must receive prompt attention from a vet or, in the case of fish, an appropriately competent person and the advice of that vet or, in the case of fish, that competent person must be followed.

  • If the facility’s trained first aider suspects that a dog is ill or injured, a vet must be contacted immediately. Any instructions for treatment must be recorded. If there is an ongoing concern, the facility must seek veterinary advice.

  • Where necessary, animals must receive preventative treatment by an appropriately competent person.

  • Any treatment must have consent of the owner and direction from a vet.

  • The licence holder is registered with a vet with an appropriate level of experience in the health and welfare and the contact details of that vet are available in the reception, displayed where they can be easily seen by all staff members and includes

○ Name

○ Address

○ Telephone number

  • The dog owner and licence holder must agree which vet will be used and recorded on the consent form (Companion Care Vets, Aylesbury)

Neutering Policy

  • Unspayed bitches must be prevented from mating.

  • Bitches that are in season must not be accepted for boarding with dogs from other households.

  • Entire males are not accepted over the age of 1 years and not be on the premises if an in-season bitch is boarded.

Record Keeping and Document Retention (3 years)

  • The local authority license will be displayed in the reception of the premises and display the number of dogs permitted on the premises.

  • Electronic records will be backed up weekly and will include details of:

○ Arrival and departure date

○ Name, sex, neuter status microchip number, breed or dog description

○ Contact details of owner

○ Emergency local contact

○ Dog’s normal vet details and insurance

○ Medical and behavior history

○ Details of diet

○ Consent forms

○ Vaccination and treatment records

○ Current medical treatment

Cancellation Policy

  • The client will be sent an invoice detailing your dogs' daycare and boarding hours and dates. This will be payable by the date detailed on each invoice, Boarding and Daycare services with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full fee. Boarding services with less than 7 days notice will be charged 50% of the fee.

Safety & Risks including Fire Risk Assessment Policy - N&F-POL-010

Transportation Policy

  • The manager is a fully licensed car owner

  • Estate car fitted with dog harnesses in accordance with WATO guidelines.

  • Dogs will not be left unattended and car temperature will be controlled appropriately

  • There will be no long journeys, only journeys of less than 30 minutes to suitable walking areas, unless otherwise agreed with the owner/s.

  • A first aid kit will be kept in the car at all times.

Probation / Attendance Policy

  • Pets approved for Doggy Day care are always considered “on probation” since their behaviour can change. If their social skills become unsuitable at any time, their day care privileges can be suspended. We do recommend that your pet attend doggy day care at least once a week and preferably on the same day/days each week, when possible. Dogs are routine animals; they will know when it is ‘day care day’. If they miss day care and do not attend for 2 months or more, then the introductory process has to be completed all over again and can become very stressful on your dog.

Weather Policy

  • Nola and Friends is open for day care in all but the most extreme weather conditions may be subject to closing. “Extreme” shall be defined as a wind, rain, snow or ice event resulting in extremely hazardous road conditions, usually with closures to offices as well as schools. 

  • If N&F closes due to an extreme weather event, or if most of the dogs scheduled for that day have cancelled due to a weather event, Nola and Friends will contact clients directly and will post on the social media page as well as their website. Please check messages and/or our social media before bringing your dog.

  • Boarding dogs will not be affected by daycare being cancelled during a weather event.

Payment Policy

Complaints and Compliments

  • If clients have any complaints or kind compliments, please contact the business email address (nolaandfriendsdogcare@gmail.com) and your complaint will be dealt with quickly and efficiently.