
Each of the topics below will be addressed in detail within this overview of procedures

  • Approval Process

  • Welfare

  • Probation / Attendance

  • Hours of Operation

  • Feeding

  • Dirty Dogs

  • Medication

  • Nametags and Collars

  • Cancellation Policy

  • Risks including Fire Risk

  • Safety Issues 

  • Pick-Up

  • Boarding

  • Weather Policy

Approval Process

  • To be considered, all candidates over 12 months old must be neutered or spayed (unless a Vet has advised otherwise), not aggressive or extremely dominant, current required vaccinations on file (DHLPP, Rabies and Bordatella (kennel cough]), and be using effective flea & tick preventatives. A ‘Meet & Greet’ will be conducted prior to any bookings to ensure the dog is comfortable in our home and with the other dogs. If this meeting does not meet our requirements then your dog may not be accepted into doggy day care or boarding. 


  • Although dogs will not be left for long periods of time (3 hours - N&F POL). Dogs under the care of Nola and Friends will be checked regularly throughout the day, from arrival to departure. Boarding dogs will be checked before sleep and first thing in the morning, by 7am at the latest.

Probation / Attendance

  • Pets approved for Doggy Day care are always considered “on probation” since their behaviour can change. If their social skills become unsuitable at any time, their day care privileges can be suspended. We do recommend that your pet attend doggy day care at least once a week and preferably on the same day/days each week, when possible. Dogs are routine animals; they will know when it is ‘day care day’. If they miss day care and do not attend for 2 months or more, then the introductory process has to be completed all over again and can become very stressful on your dog.

Hours of Operation

  • The Day care opens at 7:00 a.m. until 09:00 p.m, Monday through to Sunday. All pets (unless boarding overnight) must be picked up by 09:00 p.m. Pets who are not picked up by 09:00 p.m. may be boarded and will be subject to additional fees. They can be picked up the next morning when we open.


  • We do not recommend that pets eat anything substantial during the day due to the high level of physical activity during Doggy Day care. Pet owners should realise that the risk of life-threatening “bloat” (i.e., Gastric Dilation and Volvulus) increases when dogs participate in vigorous activity within 1 hour after feeding, especially for large or deep-chested breeds. Owners who feed their pets in the morning before day care should do so no later than an hour before they are being dropped off. During boarding your dog will be fed in a safe space, each dog is fed separately away from other dogs. If you have any special requests when it comes to feeding please ensure you notify staff before your dog comes to board with Nola and Friends. 

Dirty Dogs

  • Our day care staff will do their very best to clean up dirty pets before they are picked up by the owners. However, owners should understand that the primary role of our day care is to supervise their pets, and we do not have the facilities or the time to provide a thorough bath before sending pets home.


  • We are happy to give oral or topical medications to your dog but require the following: all medications must be in their original container and must include your dog’s name, the name and strength of the medication, and directions including dosage, number of times per day, how it is to be given, illness to be treated, areas to be treated, etc.

Nametags and Collars

  • All dogs must be wearing a collar with a nametag and must be on a lead upon entry. No metal, pinch, choke, beaded or studded collars allowed. Leads must be provided by owners.

Cancellation Policy

  • You will be sent an invoice detailing your dogs' day care and boarding hours and dates. This will be payable by the date detailed on each invoice, please ensure you pay on time. Boarding and Day care services with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged full fee. Boarding services with less than 7 days notice will be charged 50% of the fee.


  • Owners understand that supervised off-lead socialisation and interaction between our guests is encouraged. Owners also acknowledge that dogs are unpredictable in behaviour and are aware of the risks involved in such play and assume all risks.

Safety Issues

  • In order to maintain a safe play environment for the dogs, any dog that misbehaves will be given a time-out from the day care area. If the dog is in time out more than two times, the owner will be contacted, and the dog will be removed from the day care immediately. If it is felt that your dog is a risk to other guest/s or people at any time, Nola and Friends reserve the right to refuse service at any time.


  • Owners can arrange to have friends or relatives pick up their dog, but owners must inform our day care staff in advance before we will allow any other person to take home a pet that is not theirs. Proof of ID must also be shown. Dogs who are not picked up by 09:00 p.m. will be boarded and will be subject to the additional boarding fees. They can be collected the next morning at 7:00 a.m.


  • If your dog is destructive when left alone, can open doors/latches or becomes extremely anxious when confined, we ask that you bring their crate to board in. If they are unable to settle due to extreme hyperactivity or anxiousness they may be subject to leaving the premises.

Weather Policy

  • Nola and Friends is open for day care in all but the most extreme weather conditions may be subject to close. “Extreme” shall be defined as a wind, rain, snow or ice event resulting in extremely hazardous road conditions, usually with closures to offices as well as schools. If we close due to an extreme weather event, or if most of the dogs scheduled for that day have cancelled due to a weather event, Nola and Friends will contact you directly and will post on their social media page as well as their website. Please check messages and/or our social media before bringing your dog. *Please note* Boarding dogs will not be affected by day care being cancelled during a weather event.


  • Vet details must be passed onto Nola and Friends. In emergency situations, Nola and Friends is partnered with Companion Care Aylesbury. The dog will be cared for and treated, the payment will then need to be made on collection of the dog.


  •  If you have any complaints, please contact the business email address (nolaandfriendsdogcare@gmail.com) and your complaint will be dealt with quickly and efficiently.