The welfare of the dogs in our care and the confidence of their owners are our highest priorities. 
These House Rules reflect those priorities.
Before outlining the more usual terms and conditions, it should be emphasised that all dogs at Nola & Friends will be walked on fields, woods, riverbanks and forests, and will be living and eating in a home environment alongside a small number of similarly socialised dogs from various households. Every care will be taken to ensure the dogs are safe at all times, but if owners are not happy with this level of fun and freedom they should arrange for isolated, kennelled accommodation elsewhere.
On the basis of that understanding, please follow our House Rules, designed to facilitate the safety of your dog and to ensure the confidence of all involved in their continued care.
Dogs are accepted on the basis of information provided verbally and on the Questionnaire form. Should dogs exhibit unsettling or dangerous behaviour not predictable from the information disclosed, Nola & Friends reserves the right to isolate them during the contract period. Dogs requiring such isolation will, depending on the situation, either be transferred into a local boarding kennels, and the owners charged accordingly. It is therefore important the information provided is accurate, correct and includes such potential behavioural issues as possessiveness, aggression, running off or prolonged barking.
All dogs at Nola & Friends must have been vaccinated against and have annual boosters for Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough. In addition they must be on an up-to-date worming, flea and tick treatment programme using veterinary licensed products. Nola & Friends can administer these antiparasite treatments if requested by the owner at the time of check-in.
Sex… is not encouraged. We recommend all adult dogs are neutered or spayed before coming to Nola & Friends. We will only accept unspayed bitches on their owner’s understanding that we are not responsible if their bitch should fall pregnant while in our care and on the understanding that they will be liable for additional isolation charges if their dog shows signs of season during her stay. Unneutered male dogs are not accepted into Nola & Friends unless they are under 1 year old and do not exhibit aggressive and unwanted behaviours such as marking inside the house. Nola & Friends accepts no responsibility for issues arising from dogs being unneutered. Should unneutered dogs exhibit unsettling or dangerous behaviour, Nola & Fiends reserves the right to isolate them during the contract period and charge their owners accordingly.
All dogs are exercised according to their fitness and energy levels and their age. The majority of the dogs in our care are walked off-lead when in suitable, safe environments. Please advise us on the Questionnaire form if you would not like your dog walked off lead or if your dog has specific exercise requirements.
If a dog is returned home early on the request of the owner, the unused period of the contract will be charged. If a dog is returned home early on the request of Nola & Friends for any reason other than the behaviour of that dog or that she has come in to season, the unused period of the contract will be charged.

House Rules